A new character - Yu Huang, the Supreme Ruler of the Tao (natural order) -  comes to Smite on April 19.  Yu Huang has lots of names and titles. He is also called the Jade Emperor and the Lord of Heaven. A crown, flowing robes and traditional Chinese jewelry give the new god a regal look in the game.

For a more accurate reproduction in the game, Hi-Rez Studios designers have carefully studied historical materials about the Jade Emperor.

Yu Huang is a ranged character. His abilities are most effective on the middle line. The gameplay abilities include summoning of the phoenix flames of and commanding the dragon. The flame ash causes damage to the enemy it hits. And by summoning a dragon, the player can take off into the air and land, causing damage to enemies. The dragon follows the god and knocks all enemies beneath his landing spot.

The new character’s unique gameplay abilities include:

  • Passive Dao control (slowly accumulates Dao and can imbue its attacks with additional effects)
  • the ability to create a projectile at a distance and then summon it
  • movement ability – slow self-banishing.

The developers introduce Yu Huang as a leader who would be a worthy opponent to Shiva, Zeus and Odin.